Entrepreneur Developer

People who do stuff


2 min read

I am not interested in writing code. First thing. I solve problems around me and coding comes part of it.

I haven't actually been able to develop or solve problems all by myself but being a person who can understand technical stuff is much more good than a non technical person.

This is where team comes into play. Every great company is just a group of engineers trying to solve some problems. The company who solve a major problem comes out at top. That doesn't mean your contribution is not worthy.

I am writing this blog so that, people who are into tech, must understand one thing, if your contribution makes another person's life better, you're great more than 50% of entire population on earth.

Be proud of yourself.

Due to the fact that I am trying to solve problems, my expertise is not in one language or a framework, which is why I struggle for the most part.

One problem might need a mobile application, another might need Core DSA. Things vary according to the problem.

But I can't learn all the programming languages, it's frameworks and designing. That is why networking with people is important.

People in tech are usually quiet, which is why people like me have a quite hard time finding you. Only a team can solve a social problem, whether it's technical or not.

What I put forward through this blog is that, try to find interesting people. Connect with each other. We have a lot of ways to connect with. But you have to take the steps to connect, right? Always another person's cannot find you.

If you're beginner or getting into tech industry, start networking.

Have a great day..!

